BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

From Urban Scoop. Season 2: Battlefield USA with Vicky Richter A podcast with people from all walks of life, having interesting, thought provoking conversations in defiance of cancel culture. Freedom of speech is a revolutionary act.

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16 July 2024

Mahyar Tousi - E38

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Mahyar Tousi

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Mahyar Tousi is a prominent political commentator and social media influencer known for his insightful analysis and engaging content. With a background in political science, Mahyar has built a significant following by discussing current events, political ideologies, and societal issues from a conservative perspective. His YouTube channel features a mix of news commentary, interviews, and debates, making complex political topics accessible and interesting for a broad audience. Mahyar's articulate and passionate delivery has earned him a reputation as a thought leader in the online political community.

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