BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

From Urban Scoop. Season 2: Battlefield USA with Vicky Richter A podcast with people from all walks of life, having interesting, thought provoking conversations in defiance of cancel culture. Freedom of speech is a revolutionary act.

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02 October 2023

Episode 8 Silenced with Tommy Robinson - Dr David Martin - E8

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Episode 8 Silenced with Tommy Robinson - Dr David Martin

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Dr. Martin is a speaker, author, business executive and inventor.

He has publications in law, medicine, engineering, finance and education. hosted a 2013 TED Talk presentation about finance, and played a starring role in the 2020 documentary “Plandemic: Indoctornation”, and has also appeared as a guest analyst on networks including CNBC and Bloomberg.

He is perhaps most well-known for his stance and research into COVID-19, and as a result, he has been labelled a conspiracy theorist.

His content regularly features topics related to vaccines, mask-wearing, and other so-called health measures that were rolled out on a global scale.

His videos have received millions of views, however, since sharing his opinions, some of his videos have been taken down or censored.

Watch his speech at the European Union here -

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