BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

From Urban Scoop. Season 2: Battlefield USA with Vicky Richter A podcast with people from all walks of life, having interesting, thought provoking conversations in defiance of cancel culture. Freedom of speech is a revolutionary act.

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19 March 2024

Episode 28 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Ezra Levant - E28

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Episode 28 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Ezra Levant

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Ezra Levant is a Canadian media personality, political activist, writer, broadcaster, and former lawyer.
He is the founder and former publisher of the conservative magazine, The Western Standard. He is also the co-founder, owner, and CEO of the media website Rebel News.

Ezra gained some prominence in 2006 after publishing the muhammad cartoons in The Western Standard, which led to a protracted legal battle regarding hate speech legislation and freedom of speech. The complaint against him was ultimately withdrawn.

In February 2015, he co-founded Rebel News where I was a reporter and researcher for a brief spell. Since its start, Rebel News has gone from strength to strength breaking stories that the mainstream media dare not touch.

It's my pleasure to welcome him as a guest for my Podcast.

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