BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

From Urban Scoop. Season 2: Battlefield USA with Vicky Richter A podcast with people from all walks of life, having interesting, thought provoking conversations in defiance of cancel culture. Freedom of speech is a revolutionary act.

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25 January 2024

Episode 24 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Paul Burgess - E24

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Episode 24 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Paul Burgess

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Paul Burgess is a retired Chartered Water Resources Engineer who was in charge of water resource planning for large sections of the UK and sat on national UK committees. He built the first mathematical model of the climate back in 1971.

Retiring early from the water industry, Paul set up his own business. In the early 2000’s, Paul became aware of the growing corruption of science by the climate alarmists and then started making videos to counter the alarmism.

He now has over 80 videos on the subject, gives talks all over the UK and regularly features on GB News all in order to further the cause he feels so passionate about.

A varied an interesting life is an understatement as Paul has faced death threats, bomb plots and travelled the world by boat, witnessing different cultures and creeds- its my pleasure to welcome him to my Podcast.

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