BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

BATTLEFIELD USA with Vicky Richter by Tommy Robinson

From Urban Scoop. Season 2: Battlefield USA with Vicky Richter A podcast with people from all walks of life, having interesting, thought provoking conversations in defiance of cancel culture. Freedom of speech is a revolutionary act.

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08 December 2023

Episode 18 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair - E18

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Episode 18 - SILENCED with Tommy Robinson - Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair

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Johnny Adair better known as Mad Dog Adair, was an Ulster loyalist and the former leader of the "C Company"of the Ulster Freedom Fighters.

Johnny was born into an Ulster Protestant loyalist family and raised in Belfast.

He grew up on the Old Lodge Road, a now mostly demolished road linking the lower Shankill Road to the lower Oldpark area, a site of many sectarian clashes and riots during the Troubles.

Spending his teenage years on the streets fighting, he has served several prison sentences and has had attempts on his life. A past that has shaped the man I welcome onto my podcast today.

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