29 July 2024
Detained and Charged Under the Terrorism Act - Special Episode - #FreeTommyRobinson

I can now confirm that Tommy has actually been released, he is on bail, and the police have taken his phone.
I want thank everyone (as does Tommy) who have been out protesting for him today, it absolutely made a difference.
Tommy has asked me to upload the conversation he had with his ex wife while he was detained for terror related offences.
We will be able to update you all tomorrow.
X Post
(00:07) Introduction and Legal Context
(00:37) Interrogation Details
(01:17) Legal Rights and Phone Access
(02:31) Journalistic Integrity and Confidentiality
(05:19) Abuse of Power and Charges
(07:37) Potential Consequences and Defiance
(09:45) Public Support and Final Thoughts
This is so that an examiner officer can exercise his or her powers under the schedule for the purpose either of determining whether you appear to be a person who is or who has been concerned in the commission preparation or indication of accident terrorism. So that's what they nicked me under so that they can nick me. What are you mean to have done? Nothing, Jenna. They they they they don't so after beating me out of that, he said, we know you haven't done any of that. So I said, so why am I here? They interviewed me for 6 fucking hours. 6 hours about yesterday, about the event, about whether I think I can stop the great replacement, about Israel, Well, what about Palestinian state? It's fucking and I and I said, well, because you don't have a right to remain silent. Yeah? You do not have a right to remain silent.
[00:01:00] Jenna:
So But have you had a solicitor there? What's that? Have you got a solicitor there? Yes. Yes. It doesn't matter with the solicitor
[00:01:14] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
then the point of what this has been about. They said, you need to give us a PIN code to your phone now. So I obviously said, I'm reading their stuff when they grabbed me. And it says, basically, an examiner officer may other areas of the business. And in terms of the development of the source of journalistic information or disclose information subject to legal privilege. So I said to them, I said, listen, you're the top judge, the film I've found yesterday, which I believe this is what's triggered this. Yeah? The film I've found yesterday, I'm appealing that I'm going to and and that's this is legally privileged information because that judge fell out with his own death before my case. Yeah? So So he and that's new evidence. So he should have excused himself, and he didn't. Now you want access to my phone, do you, which has every single bit of my legal stuff on it so that you can put and and also, not just that.
I'm a journalist, and I interview and I've dealt with and I'm and I've got I'm I'm pre working on, another episode in Telford that involves a labor MP. Yeah? So you I can't when when I sit down and go and tell me their stories, they tell me because they don't trust you. They don't trust you because you fucking hit the evidence in Rothen. You let them down in every town and city. And now you want me to give you what they've told me. I said in in confidence. I said, it's not happening. It's not happening. They're charging me, Jess, and the terrorist director.
[00:02:56] Jenna:
So what's gonna happen now?
[00:02:58] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
I'm waiting. I'm I'm I'm getting charged, so I don't know. Will you get bail?
[00:03:04] Jenna:
I should I hope I get bail, Jen. So There's, there's a demo going on now at Downing Street. Is there? I think Lawrence Fox has organized it.
[00:03:14] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
Go on, Lawrence. Yeah. Where has it gone out there? Has that gone has it gone did did you get the video? Because So I was sat there, I think it's about half 7, and then they went till 10 o'clock because they're only allowed for 6 hours under this legislation to question that. But they detained me before questioning me. So it was 10 o'clock, a call past 10 And I said that they had it ready, so it wouldn't matter where I went, airport or wherever I went, I was getting grabbed. Just make sure the kids are right.
[00:04:25] Jenna:
Them. What? You're a terrorist?
[00:04:29] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
You know what? I said to the copper, because we can't remain silent anyway. So I said, these bastards are openly supporting Hamas. You don't arrest them. They're flying ice they're flying ice strikes. You don't arrest try and find anything. That's what you're trying to do. Not just that, if you're not trying to find anything, you want to know what I'm up to. They asked me so many questions about our event yesterday. What we're trying to achieve? When are you next doing it? What's your next plans? What do you think of the government? I was like, this is what Why am I linked under the terrorist bank? This is a total abuse of power.
But, but they charge me. They are charging me. I'm waiting to be charged now. So they transferred me from the port to, I'm in the police. I'm in the police station. Who? What's the name that's represented you? Is it someone called Francis? Yeah. That is, what was his name? They get to solicit and tell you what they did not that?
[00:06:41] Jenna:
I don't think they actually knew at that point.
[00:06:44] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
So what went out? Just I've been arrested?
[00:06:46] Jenna:
No. It's it's gone out that you've been arrested under the terrorism act.
[00:06:50] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
[00:06:50] Jenna:
Yeah. And then Nick Lyle just put something else saying were you trying to flee the country?
[00:06:59] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
Silly prick. I said to the, the cops asked me that. I But,
[00:07:14] Jenna:
alright. So what is it now? Just a waiting game to see whether you get bail?
[00:07:18] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
Yeah. And I and I said, I'm a journalist. You don't get access to my sources. My source of information give me information about you. Yeah? I'm doing documentaries against the establishment of government. As if I'm going to let you know who tells me stuff, right? That's privileged. You don't get to see that. Then they well, we will charge you then. Well, you you're gonna get convicted of terrorism. Oh my god. What what will a conviction for terrorism do? I won't be able to go anywhere, will but passcode? I don't think they can, Willie. I don't think they can. I don't think they can, Andrew.
Well, if they do anything, I couldn't even just back and forward with people that I talk to about work, I can't let them. But I just can't. So I'm, just, how many duties off is that document shown?
[00:08:46] Jenna:
7 mil.
[00:08:51] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
Wow. Make sure, Jenna, it rotates it with, after exposing the corruption of the judiciary, charged with terrorism within 24 hours. It's so blatant, man. But you know what else? I've had enough of this I don't know. Well, I don't know. I'll ring it up. Just, share my message with everyone. Yeah. Right? Yeah. And, actually, just share it and tell them we came. We saw. We conquered. I'm still I'm still happy about how great London went. I'm still happy. I'm still fucking mad. Stick to terrorism charge up your ass. We had a great day. And all this is going to do is galvanize people more. They're so thick, so stupid, don't work.
7,000,000. Wow.
[00:10:09] Jenna:
Wow. Yeah. And how long ago was that? That was about an hour ago maybe.
[00:10:13] Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧:
Wow. Because you know what that does. Yeah? That makes it so humiliating for them. If they want to send me a jail for 2 years, whatever they want to do, 7,000,000 people know they're lying and they're corrupt. And yes, hopefully, more people share it and talk about it. Anyway, Yeah. Lovely. Alright. Love you. Love you. See you later. Bye. See you later. Bye.